Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, who was seated on the throne. And they cried: 
“Amen, Hallelujah!”
Then a voice came from the throne, saying: 
“Praise our God, all you His servants, you who fear Him, both great and small!”
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: 
“Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.”
Revelation 19: 4-6 (NIV)

During His ministry years among us, Jesus always went around finding people where they were, taking them where they ought to be.

To become more than society had told them they were. 

To Jesus, His life was not about Him, but about all those He came to serve and save. 

People from all walks and struggles of life.

The leper on the side of the road, the adulterous woman targeted by the Pharisees to be stoned to death, the Samaritan woman at the well, the disciples, the invalid lying for thirty-eight years at Bethesda pool, and so many others.

Everyone He met.

And for that alone, He deserves our endless praise. Our endless hallelujahs.   

Yet He also calls us to the privilege of finding and lifting those lives in need around us, helping them to become all they were created by God to be.

When we do, we honor and praise the Lord of Lords, as we follow His example.

When our lives begin to reflect the life of Christ our King, we move more and more toward who we were created to be.

More like Him, instead of who the world calls us to be.

And we begin to see that our lives are not about us, but about being Him to the world around us. About all those others He calls us to help.

For that, He deserves our endless praise. 

Our endless hallelujahs to the King.

And when our lives follow His example to the world around us, in that alone—they become a moment of worship, and an endless hallelujah of praise, to our Lord of Lords and King of Kings, for all He did for us, for all He gave to us, for the price He paid for you and me, and for those He calls us to help.

So, when we stand before the King one day, we will simply continue the worship we started while here, when we followed His example, as He created and called us to do.

In the song “Endless Hallelujah” Matt Redman shares these thoughts—

“When I stand before your throne,
Dressed in glory, not my own,
What a joy I’ll sing of on that day.
No more tears or broken dreams,
Forgotten is the minor key,
Everything as it was meant to be…
No more tears, no more shame,
No more sin and sorrow ever known again,
No more fears, no more pain,
We will see you face to face.
See you face to face.
And we will worship, worship.
Forever in your presence we will sing.
We will worship, worship you.
An endless hallelujah to the King.”

One time around. 

Reflecting on what or Whom will we worship, praise, and follow.

The world, or the King.

Only one choice—A life of endless hallelujahs to the King. 

In His Name–Scott

Be lifted, reminded, and blessed by this video and arrangement by Matt Redman of the beautiful song “Endless Hallelujah.”  


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