Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

Moments Beyond the Scoreboard
Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”
Matthew 16: 26 (NIV)
Yesterday, along with hundreds of millions around the Nation and world, we enjoyed a moment watching Super Bowl LIX played in the resilient city of New Orleans, Louisiana.
A wonderful, fun-filled, and captivating event.
Yesterday we also celebrated a special moment which occurred on another February 9th Sunday years ago.
The blessed day on which our son, Nathan, was born. A gift from God.
As I am sure you can imagine and appreciate, no comparison.
Eighteen years ago, on February 7, 2007, Tony Dungy, head coach of the Indianapolis Colts, and Lovie Smith, head coach of the Chicago Bears, dear friends of each other, squared off in Super Bowl XLI in Miami, Florida. Of course, the world watched the game and took note of the final score posted on the scoreboard.
Yet for those two head coaches, the game and result were not the end-all-be-all in their lives, even though they gave it their very best.
It was simply a part of one day of their lives, but did not define the legacy they each sought to build and leave with each day of their lives.
In a joint statement printed on a full-page ad in the USA Today newspaper a few days before the game, they shared this for all the world to read—
“On Sunday, one of us will be world champion. It’s the ultimate goal—but we know that there is more to life than football. Even when you have achieved the ultimate, something better lies beyond.”
More to life than football or sports? Is that what Tony and Lovie were saying? Did they really mean to suggest that the Super Bowl championship would not ultimately satisfy?
As we know, that is really what they meant. A Super Bowl trophy would not ultimately satisfy. Like everything else the world calls us to, the satisfaction of a winning score, or successful outcome is temporary and will not last.
Instead, their lives pointed the world to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship which called them, and calls us, to follow in His steps and touch the world for good.
In the song “Money Can’t Buy” Cochren & Co. share these words—
“I set my sights on shiny things
That crumble in the rust, that fade into the dust.
I bought the lie that someday I would finally have enough.
But it never is enough, so,
Wake me up from this slumber that I’m in.
Take me up to a brand-new horizon.
Oh Lord, give me eyes to see
That what I need don’t cost a thing.
You fill my life with somethin’ money can’t buy…”
Tony, Lovie, and Cochran & Co. are referring to their relationship with Jesus Christ as the ultimate source of fulfillment, focus and relationship for their lives and ours. A relationship which points them to moments beyond the scoreboard. Moments simply following Christ and changing lives with Him for eternity.
A relationship with Christ which calls each of us to live a life which has a positive impact on every life God brings before us. A life which leaves a legacy of lives changed for good here, while sharing the hope of an eternal life in Heaven.
A relationship which continues to leave a legacy in a precious son whose life is aligned with Christ.
A son impacting the world around him for good, and leaving a legacy of moments changing lives for eternity.
Moments beyond the scoreboard.
In His Name–Scott
You will be blessed as you listen to and watch the video “Money Can’t Buy” by Cochran & Co.
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