Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”         

Margaret Mead                                               


What one thing in your life do you want to change?

I wonder if Kenny Perry would say—to have won the Masters Golf Tournament yesterday.  I was pulling for him to win the Masters yesterday at the Augusta National Golf Club in Augusta, Georgia.  He would have become the oldest person to ever win one of the four major golf tournaments.  It would have been a triumph and affirmation for some of my older friends. 

Instead, he lost on the second hole of a playoff, after giving up a two-stroke lead with two holes remaining in regulation.  I suspect, though, in listening to him on various other occasions, that his answer to that question would not be to have won—he just seems to be more substantive than a trophies, resume and things kind-of-guy.

Okay, you’ve had a few lines now to think about it, so what is your answer to the question:   What one thing in your life do you want to change?

 While you’re thinking some more about that, here’s another question…

What one thing in the world do you want to see changed?  Some things which come to mind are:

·         Eliminating world hunger and poverty and perhaps even genocide.  But that’s three things. 

·         Eliminate AIDS and homelessness.  Two things.

·         Eliminate human trafficking.

·         Develop further adoption alternatives for children and new mothers.

Too big or too much to tackle for now?  For just one person?  Then what? 

What about some things like… 

·         Teach a young child to read.

·         Take an underprivileged child to lunch and the museum.

·         Help a homeless person to find a job.

·         Spend an afternoon talking with and listening to and elderly friend.

But I’m getting ahead of you.  These are your questions as to which to find your answers. 

So here they are again:

Question # 1:  What one thing in your life do you want to change?

Question # 2:  What one thing in the world do you want to see changed?

What are your answers? 

What are you going to do about those questions?  And your answers?

Let me suggest that today you answer both of those questions, and then act on those answers by beginning to effect the change you want to see. 

If you don’t, who else do you think will? 

Who else do you think should?

In the process, I suspect it will begin to change your life and the world. 

Just something for us to think about today and for the rest of our lives.


In His Name—Scott