Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“Be joyful always; pray continually; Give thanks in all circumstances,
For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 (NIV)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here we are in this Thanksgiving week, heading toward the most distinctive of American holiday seasons.

In a country which was firmly founded upon Judeo-Christian beliefs, regardless of comments by some to the contrary. But a nation firmly founded upon an unwavering reliance upon and a commitment to God.

A season of a spirit of thankfulness, peace and goodwill.

A season where we seem more sensitive to those around us who need a lift up in life. Where we are moved to touch and impact for good those around us who we may not have noticed before.

And I can’t help but believe that no matter where we find ourselves today, a moment of honest reflection has to remind us of all the moments in our lives for which we should be thankful, both past and present.

Yet, we seem to have too many moments where we’d rather let a feigned smile fall from our face—as we struggle to find that spirit of thankfulness and peace.

The mountain of uncertainty looming outside our front door seems bigger than we’re able to climb. Too much anxiety not knowing what’s around the next corner. Finances are tight. Our career no longer seems as stable as before.

A child is having a tough go of it, a relationship remains up and down, or an unexpected illness hangs a dark cloud over the day.

A season calling for a spirit of thankfulness, peace and good will, is overwhelmed by adversity.

Maybe a reminder from 398 years ago would help with a little perspective.

In the midst of pitiful poverty, suffering, hardship, failing crops, the loss of children and adults from their original number, in 1623 the Pilgrims gathered at their meeting house in the Plymouth Colony “to render thanksgiving to Almighty God for all His blessings.”

Their spirit of thankfulness came not out of prosperity, but in the midst of unimaginable adversity and need, as they embraced their blessings of family and friends.

Maybe in remembering those blessings of family and friends, we, too, will find that spirit of thankfulness and peace, before it’s too late.

Because in the midst of the discouragements, disappointments and uncertainties which life throws our way, God’s blessings truly are all around us.

In a beautiful sunrise of promise for the day, or a newborn baby’s cry, in a Grandma’s wrinkled smile as she wraps her arms around her precious grandchildren.

Blessings in the crispness and breezes of a fall day, a much needed rain, the laughter of children, friends who lift us when we need a lift, a table full of food and in the spirit-lifting beauty of music.

Or maybe in the majesty of a day-ending sunset reminding us that the God of all creation—is there.

A spirit of thankfulness, peace and goodwill—now and all year long.

It seems very appropriate to say, so—

Happy Thanksgiving!

In His Name–Scott

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