Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. 
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…”
Isaiah 43: 2-3a (NIV)

Here’s a thought. 

When we wake up each morning, and as we go to bed each night—read aloud those two verses recorded in chapter forty-three in the book of Isaiah. 

Two verses inspired by God to be shared by the prophet Isaiah at a time when the nation of Judah was experiencing a time of relative peace and well-being, while abuses of power, idleness, corruption, indifference and turning from God were boiling up within.

Why not read aloud—

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you…
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…”

For God’s people then.

For you and me, now.

I remember that it was a morning much like any morning—full of promise, expectations, uncertainties and hope. 

Our elder Granddaughter, Hannah, around seven years old at the time, and I were in the garage cleaning the windows on her Mimi’s car. I could see Hannah from inside the garage as she walked out and crossed the driveway to the edge of the grassy strip, about twenty feet away bordering the woods running the length of our side yard. 

I then saw her begin to cry. 

I leapt from my perch on the footstool and made my way to her. “What’s the matter sweetie,” I asked, as I wrapped my arms around her. 

“Granddaddy,” she choked out through tears falling down her soft cheeks, “you left me.”

“But precious, I didn’t,” I reassured her, “I was always with you.”   

I was always with you.

For her then. For her now. And since then, for our younger Granddaughter, Ellie, also.

Walked by a grassy strip, lately, looking into woods that seem dark, scary and impenetrable? 

He will be with you. Press on.

Chasing a dream He has placed in your heart, which is now a bit woven over with threads of doubt. 

He is chasing it with you. Press on. 

Feeling lost and searching for the way ahead? 

He is there with you. Press on.

Let me share these encouraging words with you, by the contemporary Christian singing group, Selah, from their song, “Press On”—

“When the valley is deep, when the mountain is steep,
When the body is weary, when we stumble and fall—
When the choices are hard, when we’re battered and scarred,
When we’ve spent our resources, when we’ve given our all.
In Jesus’ name, we press on. 
In Jesus’ name, we press on.
Dear Lord, with the prize clear before our eyes,
We find the strength to press on. 
We find the strength to press on.”

What are you facing? 

Here’s a thought to remember—

He will be with you, Press on.

In His Name–Scott

PS. Listen and be blessed by the group Selah singing “Press On.”   


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