Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“It will be said on that day, “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us. This is the LORD; we have waited for him; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”
Isaiah 25: 9 (ESV)

Palm Sunday we remembered.

Christ had entered Jerusalem beginning His journey through “Holy Week,” on the last leg of His ministry of over 2000 years ago.

The people waved palm branches and cheered as He came.

The long-awaited Messiah. The Lord.

Be glad and rejoice.

Behold our God.

And the people watched and waited. Anticipating, hoping that He would take over rule from the Roman government and the pious religious leaders.

Life will be better.

But then He is arrested, beaten, mocked and spit upon.

The Messiah, who came for their salvation, and ours. They had waited and hoped that they might be saved.

Then cheering turned to jeering.

And He was crucified on the cross at Calvary.

Behold our God?

In the shadows of the cross, joy turned to tears. Hope turned to despair.

It’s an all too familiar story of too many of our days today.

In the shadows of our lives, all the difficulties, wrong decisions and disappointments overwhelm us.

In the layers of mistakes, missteps, and failures—hope turns to despair.

But wait.

The cross—only part of, not all of the story.

The empty tomb—part of, but not the end of the story.

The Risen Christ on Easter morning—part of, yet not the rest of the story.

The Risen Christ—our personal Savior, another part of the story.

Answering the call of the Risen Christ—to go and make disciples, to touch a lost and hurting world with the love of the Risen Christ.

The rest of the story, for your life and mine.

Behold our God!

In the midst of life. In the midst of heartache and despair. Facing mountains and walking through valleys.

No matter what we’ve been through or done, no matter where we are now, or what we will face tomorrow; Easter reminds us that our active God sees us, loves us, lifts us and calls us to life, and to lift the world around us—with Him.

Easter—Behold our God!

For you and for me. For now and forever.

In His Name–Scott

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