Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3: 13b-14 (ESV)
How are things where you are today?
The other day, I finally figured out that my inability to focus on my reading, research and writing was because I was focused on all the stuff going on around me, personally, and throughout the nation and world. Well partly.
These truly are some interesting and different times. I don’t remember times that compare, but then maybe that’s because I’m still pretty young.
A world-wide coronavirus, an election year, destructive language and behaviors from coast to coast.
Things seem to be getting better, but yet remain uncertain.
Then we have our own personal things to climb through—illnesses, an unexpected loss, relationship struggles, business ups and downs, or helping a loved one through a crisis moment.
There is one thing, though, in the midst of all we are going through together which we can count on if we stop long enough to look hard enough through all the fog of uncertainty overwhelming us.
The God who holds our eternal certainty in His hands has gone nowhere.
He is here.
And He is forever our daily and final hope. Calling us to move from what was, to press on to all we can be with Him.
So why not spend our time with Him, focusing our minds on Him?
Seeking Him.
The author of II Chronicles, believed to be Ezra, penned these words of assurance to King Asa, and to us in chapter 15, verse 2—
“…The Lord is with you while you are with Him.
If you seek Him, He will be found by you…”
So why not spend time with Him?
Why not make Him a part of our every moment of our days as we go through these times together, as well as through all of our own personal stuff?
Why not seek Him in the midst of quiet and certain moments, as well as in the midst of distractions and uncertainty?
The other day, after I put everything away for a time, God reached down and poked me through all my distractions, and why I was struggling, as He reminded me that He was there ready to be a part of whatever I was facing and dealing with.
But, I just needed to be with Him.
I suspect that we all might begin to sense a peace in our lives, if we allow ourselves to be with Him. Focused on Him and forgetting what was, and pressing forward through faith in Him—to all whom we can be with Him.
Pretty simple—the Lord is with you—so be with Him.
Stay there.
In His Name–Scott