Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…”
Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)

“…And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.
Luke 2: 51 (ESV)   

Think about this for a moment—

“And you don’t know you’re somebody that somebody loves more than themselves.”

It’s a line from the song “Bye Mom” by Chris Jansen.

I’d venture to say that there are a number of us who can’t help but wonder what that feels like.

And where we might find something like that.

But there she is.


And the cord is never broken.

A broken arm. A nail in your foot. Skinned elbows from a bicycle fall.

But there she is.


Presence. Grace. Unmerited self-sacrifice and ever-present love no matter the mistakes, missteps or other moments of regret.

But there she is.


Wrapped in fear wandering the streets of our minds. Lost hope, no purpose. Nothing left to offer for a helping hand up, or a heart to lean on.

But there she is.


The cord is never broken.

Someone to talk to. No agenda. Just someone to listen. To sit for hours and share feelings, fears, joys, mistakes, experiences, someone or something new and special in your life, and hopes for today and tomorrow.

But there she is.

Mom. Mother. Mama. Mommy.

I wonder what it feels like.

Where the cord is never broken.

No matter whether here for a lifetime, or resting in eternity forever.

No matter the distance. No matter the time apart.

No matter the words that were misspoken. No matter the actions or decisions, now covered in regret.

But there she is.

Somebody who loves you and loves me, more than themselves.

I wonder what that might feel like.

But there she is.

Mom. Mother. Mama. Mommy.

Thanks to all of you, by whatever name, who made it clear to us that we are somebody that somebody loves more than themselves.

There you are.

Happy Mother’s Day.

In His Name–Scott

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