Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 (NASB)
I don’t know if our younger granddaughter, Ellie Kate, was trying to get information for my birthday, a day away, or just having one of her many moments of curiosity, when she read from a list of about twenty cupcake varieties so I could identify my favorites.
There was one she read I identified for her—Red Velvet with cream cheese icing. There was one I mentioned to her that was not on the list—real carrot cake with cream cheese icing. And then there is the one that Lynda knows has always been my very favorite, and prevailing choice, for every year since we have been blessed to have our granddaughters—whichever cake or cupcakes they would enjoy the most for my birthday!
It would not be the same, however, if she read from a list of roller coasters instead of cupcakes. I would be hard pressed to list any as my favorites—mainly because I haven’t been on many, and secondarily, because if I didn’t have to ride one, I wouldn’t—unless my granddaughters wanted me to.
There are some beauties out there, like: Fahrenheit in Hershey, Pennsylvania; Cyclone in Coney Island, New York; Black Mamba at Phantasialand in Germany; Leviathan in Canada’s Wonderland; Kingda Ka at Six Flags over Jackson, New Jersey; and Rip Ride Rocket at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.
There’s even one that adds a little bit more uncertainty to the mix by being indoors with the lights out so you can’t anticipate the next twist, turn or loop—Space Mountain at Disney World, also in Orlando.
I’ll ride them but they are not my favorite things to ride. That should come as no surprise to anyone, when you realize that my favorite amusement rides in all the world are “It’s A Small World” and “Soarin” at Disney World.
The ups and downs, twists and turns, loops, corkscrews, boomerangs, inverted turns and figure eights all combined, or singularly, were not something to which the human body was meant to be subjected. But it’s not that which is the problem of concern—whiplash, pulled back muscles and the like can all be resolved with a treatment, rest and a good massage. It’s that one loose bolt that didn’t get tightened by a tired construction worker as they headed home after a long week.
Life is a lot like that. Twists and turns, figure eights, inverted days and loose bolts causing things to fall apart without warning, with all of those contributing to an uncertain and at times scary journey.
Here’s where it gets better though—when Christ is in the front car. The twists and turns are still there. You’ll still have to go through the figure eights and loops and corkscrews. And the ride will at times be uncertain and scary.
But with Christ we know how it will end. We know that not only is He with us as we buckle in, and as we climb to the top of the first leg to experience the first big out-of-control drop, and while we hang on for dear life as we rocket around curve after curve and loop upon loop, but He is also waiting for us as we glide into the end of the ride to begin yet another with Him.
I’m not sure what you’ve been experiencing lately on the roller coasters you’ve been riding. I’m not sure what disappointments or heartaches you’ve been through. But here’s what I know—that no matter what the ride has been like or will be like—the God who created you was with you at every bend, rise, drop or turn and will be with you along the rest of the way.
And He’ll be with you on all the rides ahead, in all the days ahead, and all the way into eternity.
Sounds like Red Velvet with cream cheese icing to me, or whatever they’d like!
In His Name—Scott
Copyright 2013. Scott L. Whitaker. All rights reserved.