Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

People don’t run out of dreams…they run out of time.” The Eagles

The sun will begin to rise outside my window in just a moment.

And with it, the darkness of the night will turn to light across our nation and not just for some, but for all of us.

No matter how we cast our votes in the recent Presidential election, tomorrow is a day for all of us who love this great land. No matter the position on the issues that you, or I, or others may hold that are in alignment or not with the man who was sworn into office on Friday, January 20, 2017, and has now assumed the office of President—tomorrow and each day thereafter is a day for all of us.

Tomorrow is a day for you and for me. Tomorrow is a day for children of all ages everywhere who have stood on a playground somewhere and dreamed dreams for their lives and longed for the opportunity to be whatever they held in their hearts at that moment.

Tomorrow is a day for us all. A day when someone who had never held a political office will move forward as the forty-fifth President of the United States of America. And stretched out before us as a nation, is a long road to travel. We are not yet what we should be and can be as a nation, under the leadership of God.

There are dreams we hold which God has placed on our hearts that have yet to be realized. We have much to do to restore a sense of respect and civility in our daily discourse. We have a long way to go to embracing a personal responsibility—not handing it off to our government—to each reach out to lift all those around us who need a lift up in life to be able to see the sunshine just beyond the rain.

We have much to do to reclaim a culture which respects the sanctity of life for all—the born, the unborn, the young and the older. We have a long way to go to again making God feel welcome in our schools, our public buildings, in the decisions of our leaders, and in the quiet direction of our homes.

There are dreams held dear, but in many cases dreams which lay unfulfilled.

Tomorrow is a day for us all. We have come a long way as a nation, when we think back through the years, at the things which great men and women like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Rosa Parks gave their lives to change. We are grateful to those who stood in the gap for us through the years, to protect our freedoms and security, and still do today. We have come a long way, as a people and as a nation. Yet we still have a long way to go to reach the dreams we all hold dear and which God has placed in our hearts so that we all can be all He created us to be—before we run out of time.

Through the ages there are those who dreamed great dreams, only running out of time to see those dreams become reality. But they pursued them anyway. Some of us today hold dreams which God has planted in our hearts, which we may never see fulfilled in our lifetime. But we must pursue them anyway. And even though we may not be here to see them fulfilled, those dreams are still worth pursuing and handing off to those who come after us, because God will still remain to walk with those who will carry those dreams onward.

God still remains, God still reigns, and nothing of Him will pass from our midst.

This is a new day for us all. It is a great day and great time for our nation. And the hope is that we will do it together, for our nation, for each other, and for those often left behind, and who need a lift up in life.

There is still a long way for us to go.

So together, let us pursue those dreams which God has placed in our hearts. Together, pursue those dreams we need to for others and as a nation, to become all God intended for us to be as a people, when He ordained this great land centuries ago.

One day those dreams will all come true—either with Him here, or with Him in eternity.

May God continue to bless us all, everyone.

And may God continue to bless The United States of America.

In His Name—Scott

Copyright 2017. Scott L. Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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