Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
I Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)
We’ve all had those moments.
Maybe more than we want to admit or can remember.
When we feel all alone and forgotten.
I was having a bit of one yesterday, but then Walter came up out of nowhere and said hello.
I didn’t know him and he didn’t know me.
But reflecting on the moment later, I suspect God must have poked him to reach out to me and break into my apparent fog of “alone-ness” and say hello.
We’ve all had those moments. Moments when we feel all alone. Maybe afraid. Maybe empty. Forgotten.
And then God pokes into those moments we’re having by sending a sunrise or a sunset, or blows a breeze through our hair to remind us that He is there—and we’re not alone.
And sometimes He’ll poke a “Walter” to send our way. To lift us up and remind us that someone cares, and that through that, God sees us and God cares.
Once again reminding us that we’re not alone.
God is there with us. Near us. Always hanging around us.
Something you and I need to remember in those moments which we all will have. Times when we feel that we’re all alone.
Also, there’s something else for us to remember—there are others around us who may also be having one of those moments.
When they too are feeling all alone, afraid, empty and forgotten.
A call for us to be aware of others around us, as Walter was aware of me yesterday, and being sensitive to God poking us and sending us to interrupt a moment someone else might be having where they’re feeling all alone, forgotten, afraid or empty.
To be sensitive to the privilege God gives us by poking us to make a phone call, to walk over to someone and say hello, to wave, offer a compliment, smile or maybe to ask how their day is going.
And be ready to listen with a caring heart, reflecting God’s heart for them.
God is always at the ready, finger poised, to poke us and send us to encourage someone, to lift them up and make sure they know that we care. And that others care. And that God cares.
Always reminding us of the truth of the wisdom shared by a dear friend not too long ago, clearly coming from the heart of God—
“How do you know if someone needs encouragement?
Check to see if they have a pulse!”
We’ve all had those moments where we feel all alone and forgotten. Needing a word of encouragement.
And in ways only God can do—He continues to remind us that He is always there and He cares.
Keep poking us, God.
In His Name–Scott