Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“How do you know what is going to happen tomorrow? For the length of your lives is as uncertain as the morning fog—now you see it; soon it is gone.”
James 4: 14 (TLB)

Let’s focus for a moment.

The world at times seems to be spinning out of control. And focusing on that will gain us what exactly?

We seem to be in a constant struggle within our nation to gain an upper hand on someone else, rather than to hold hands.

We seem to worry more about the virus than about our neighbors.

We spend more time reading the local or national newspapers and discussing or emailing others about the latest issues, than we do reading the Word of God and spending time talking with Him in prayer, or talking with loved ones about what burdens are on their hearts and minds.

Let’s focus for a moment. On what matters.

Years ago, at a Florida Kiwanis State Convention held in Sandestin, Florida, my daughter-in-law signed the words of Michael Jackson’s song “Gone Too Soon” while the song played in the background of a pictorial video remembrance of those Florida Kiwanis members who had stepped into the arms of God the past year.

“Like a comet blazing ‘cross the evening sky–Gone too soon
Like a rainbow fading in the twinkling of an eye—Gone too soon
Shiny and sparkly, and splendidly bright
Here one day, gone one night
Like the loss of sunlight on a cloudy afternoon—Gone too soon
Like a castle built upon a sandy beach—Gone too soon
Like a perfect flower that is just beyond your reach—Gone too soon
Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day, gone one night
Like a sunset dying with the rising of the moon
Gone too soon, Gone too soon.”

It was a powerful moment reminding us of what is truly important to do with the gift of this life we’ve been given.

So, let’s focus for a moment.

What is important in your life? Try again.

Palm Sunday is this next Sunday, where we remember that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt on the way to the cross for you and me. And then Easter, just around the corner, and remembering the empty tomb left by the risen Christ establishing the pathway to eternal life for us.

What is important in your life? Where should you be spending the precious gift of time in your life?

What about time with Christ. And assuring our salvation and eternal life with Him which the cross and empty tomb assured is ours, for the asking.

Then what about time spent trying to become more like Him to others in the world. Touching the world more and more, for and with Him. Having an eternal impact.

Time with your spouse. Your children and grandchildren.

Extended family and friends.

Time spent with someone down on everything, including their luck, and needing a lift up in life.

Maybe we should focus on all of that, and them—for a while. Or maybe we should focus on all of that, and them—always.

How much time do we have left here anyway?

Let’s focus for a moment, because when we do, we may find that life here is—

Gone too soon.

So let’s focus—on what is truly and eternally important.

In His Name–Scott

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