Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4: 12-13 (NIV)
“Like a comet blazing ‘cross the evening sky, gone too soon…
Shiny and sparkly and splendidly bright, here one day and gone one night…
Like a sunset dying with the rising moon…gone too soon.” **
Gone too soon might be one way to think of the precious life of Mallory Lynn Code, and I suspect that phrase in one form or another has crossed the minds of everyone who has been blessed to know her.
But if you dwell there too long, you would miss all the fullness of the life which her twenty-five years and two and one-half months among us left us to follow and embrace for the rest of ours.
Gone too soon. Perhaps; but not before she left a lifetime of memories for us, and showed us how to embrace whatever confronts us in life—in Mal’s case cystic fibrosis and related illnesses—and refuse to let whatever it is define our lives as she refused to let cystic fibrosis define hers.
Gone too soon. Maybe; but not before she touched the world around her with an infectious smile, an inspirational, zealous and courageous determination, and a life-changing example of relying on the strength of Jesus Christ to sustain and energize you for whatever you face.
Gone too soon. Sure. At least it would seem so by the temporal standards of society; but not before she left a trail of messages for us laced with eternal standards for all of us to live by for the rest of our lives.
It’s impossible to capture in a few moments or a few words a lifetime of memories created by this precious girl who quietly and steadfastly, and with a sense of humor for all that was around her, lived a life of courage, service, inspiration and unwavering faith in her Creator.
Those who shared at her memorial service a few days ago did their very best to paint a picture reminding us of the life of Mallory. A life which included a loving family and an untold number of devoted friends. A life which included championship caliber golf, piano, dance and ballet. She joined her sister on two high school state championship golf teams and they were on scholarship for golf at the University of Florida, from where she received her degree a few months ago. Mallory twice represented the United States on the Junior Ryder Cup team, the Junior Solheim Cup team and played in and won many USGA events.
Woven with sadness because of her loss among us, it was a beautiful, encouraging and uplifting time remembering a bit of her life. But it’s impossible to capture her life, or the impact it had or will continue to have on so many, in so brief a moment. In the days, months and years ahead the memories of her life will prevail in our thoughts. And perhaps we will remember even more those eternal things which were integral to her life, which will help us to live better the rest of ours.
Many of us will remember that whenever we, or others, came into her life to walk with her, support or care for her, they always came away with more than they gave.
Perhaps we will remember the love and appreciation of family and friends and the important role which family and friends occupied in her life. Perhaps we will remember in the days ahead—for the good of our own families and friends—the loyalty and love demonstrated by Mal’s life to them and of theirs to her.
Maybe we’ll remember her messages of perspective and contentment in the midst of all she walked through every day of her life. She never allowed her circumstances or others’ views of the difficulties caused by her illness to cause her to descend into some expression of self-pity. Instead she had her priorities straight and shared for all the world to hear why she was so blessed when she said…
“My life is perfect in almost every way. I’ve got this awesome family, awesome friends and an awesome relationship with the Lord Jesus. I’ve got golf, dance, everything. I don’t want to be the little sick girl out there.”
Mal realized all that she had—despite one thing which caused her some problems—and leaned on God to provide her contentment wherever she was and through whatever she faced in life. As you look back on her life, you can clearly see that Mallory could be trusted with whatever she was going through to use it all for God’s glory. Whether golf victories or defeats, disappointments, school, caring for family and friends, dealing with surgeries, treatments and the pain and debilitating effects of cystic fibrosis—she could be trusted to allow Him to shine through it all.
And in that regard, what we may remember most is her clear, clarion and bold voice proclaiming for all the world to hear her faith in her Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. It was through Him she found the courage and strength to walk on. It was through Him that she found contentment in every situation and circumstance of life, never desiring more or better—just Him. And, of course, a cure for her disease still afflicting so many.
In the meantime, and as an organ donor, a recipient was found just hours after her passing on into the arms of her Heavenly Father. It doesn’t surprise any of us who knew her that she was still changing lives even then.
Gone too soon. Perhaps. I don’t know all that we each will remember about Mallory Lynn Code; but I know one thing for certain…
Those of us who were privileged to know her will never forget the life and example of our precious Mal.
Praise God for the life of Mallory Lynn Code.
Amen! and Amen!
In His Name—Scott
Copyright 2009. Scott L. Whitaker. All rights reserved.
**Song written by: Larry Grossman & Alan Kohan