Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
James 4: 14 (NIV)
In the beginning He created the heavens, light, waters, dry land, vegetation and plants. He created man in His own image, declared all He had done as good, and then rested.
Then later, He came to earth as a baby to provide each of us a choice, to assure our eternal place with Him.
In the meantime, He called a man who felt totally inadequate and slow of speech, to lead His children out of captivity, then through an unexpected opening in the sea, across a barren desert, while also providing for their daily needs along the way.
Today he calls you and me to see and take a homeless beggar for a pizza, and help them to find a pathway to a restored life.
Or whoever else He puts before us, to impact for good and His glory.
He sent, encouraged, held his hand and cleared the way for a frightened Joshua, replacing Moses, to lead His children into their long-promised future and homeland.
Today He holds the hand of a frightened young child uncertain of what’s next— a child precious to Him, as all are, as she walks one-step at-a-time with Him through each of her todays and into the future He has created her to live.
He sent prophet-after-prophet to lead His children—once again lost in the lure and ways of the world—back to the lives He created them to live.
Today He pokes you and me to go and find and restore hope in those around us who have lost their way. Those needing help and a lift up in life to catch a glimpse of the sunshine just beyond their rain.
He came in a still small voice to Elijah, as he stood all alone believing others were seeking to put him to death, and provided him a calm presence, sense of peace, and a glimpse of hope pointing to the way forward.
Today, He continues to wrap His arms of understanding and calm, peace and hope around all of His children at times standing in a pit of despair, facing the emptiness of days with loved ones no longer here.
In the confusion heading to the cross, He fulfilled God’s long-settled plan and path of abundant living and eternal life for you and me, and for all His children of all ages.
Today—with the tomb empty—marking the fulfillment of God’s plan, we are assured the promise of a path to eternal life, available for you and for me.
The question for us for today, and every day, is this—have we embraced and claimed, or will we embrace and claim, the promise of eternal life with the One who loves us?
There is no question or decision more important in your life and mine, right now, than making sure of our place with Him in eternity.
A thought to ponder—but not for too long.
In His Name–Scott