Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew.

And one cried to another and said:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!’…

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:

Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”

Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’”

Isaiah 6: 1-3, 8 (NKJV)

I still can see the day. Even more, I can still feel it as it unfolded before us, but especially as it unfolded for our younger granddaughter, Ellie Kate.

As the scripture above points out, King Uzziah has just died. He had started out on a good path as king, bringing the people of Judah renewed hope, after taking over for previous kings who had led the nation back into idol worship and self-serving behavior. But Uzziah, too, faltered, when he forgot the source of power for all the good that was occurring, and began to believe it was all about him and not about God.

And so King Uzziah passes from the scene and the dark clouds are on the horizon for the people of Judah—they need to turn back from their wicked ways. And young Isaiah enters upon the scene, and as we can surmise from above, has probably gone into a temple.

And He saw the Lord. High and lifted up.

In that moment, he came into the presence of God, with the seraphim (angelic-like creations) calling out to one another—“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.” And in that moment, Isaiah was also humbled by who he was in the presence of a holy and powerful God. Compared to others he was a head above, special even—but compared to God he had a long way to go. And the best way to get there was with God.

This past Saturday was a full and glorious day for us all. The entirety of the day revolved around our precious Ellie Kate and her activities for the day.

And God showed up. Everywhere.

It began as Ellie Kate, now involved in synchronized swimming for the past year, had a regional synchronized swim meet that morning in Gainesville, hosted by its two swim teams, with visiting teams traveling from Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa to compete.

Ellie Kate and her partner won fourth place honors in the duet competition for her age bracket. And then her entire team of six swimmers won the Gold Medal for their age group, finishing in first place and, with all due objectivity, for one of the best and most synchronized performances (i.e. the moniker—synchronized swimming), I have seen in the past year in like competition for these youthful teams.

Lynda and I prayed individually for Ellie Kate before her meet, and then at lunch afterward with her and the rest of the family. And God showed up through the morning, in the sunshine, in His protection for her and the other swimmers, in her smile and incredible swimming efforts, and in the hands of her mom fixing her hair with gelatin before the meet to keep it in place within the watery competition, and in the proud hearts and smiles of her dad, older sister, relatives and her grandparents as they beamed with pride and pleasure.

Then a brief afternoon rest as Ellie Kate prepared herself for her dance recital in the early evening at the new fine arts hall at a local college.

And in the recital all presented under the title of—“Praise—The Dance You Were Born For”—God was not only present as He was in the morning activities, but He was also high and lifted up.

In each dance number performed by students from three years old to seniors in high school, God was at the center of their hearts, their dance steps, the music, and the audience’s appreciation. And my younger granddaughter’s heart, mind, body and spirit were all alive with her desire to serve and praise her God. That’s the way she is. And her radiant smile as she “hip-hopped” around the stage, during her performance, demonstrated that.

I remember the day well. I can still feel it. I remember how we came into the presence of God and then watched as He was high and lifted up.

I wonder how you and I might have that occur for us each day as we step out into this brand new day and each to follow.

Maybe we can start with a swim meet each morning, or a praise-centered dance recital each evening. Or maybe not.

But maybe we can start with a moment where we personally pause and enter into the presence of God. Perhaps with a period of quiet time where we read His Word, and study Him further by reading a devotional book, and then spending time in conversation (in prayer) with Him so that in our hearts at that moment He also becomes high and lifted up.

And high and lifted up, the Lord God asked “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And Ellie Kate swam and then danced in praise to her God. And Isaiah raised his hand and said “Here I am. Send me!”

You just never know all the good that may happen to us, and with us, and through us, when we enter into the presence of God.

In His Name—Scott (Gran)

Copyright 2013. Scott L. Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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