Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o’clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, ‘It’s a ghost!’
But Jesus spoke to them at once. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said. ‘Take courage. I am here!’
Then Peter called to him, ‘Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.’
‘Yes, come,’ Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink.
‘Save me, Lord!’ he shouted. Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,’ Jesus said. ‘Why did you doubt me?’”
Matthew 14: 24-31 (NLT)
Peter trusted in Christ just enough to step out of the boat at Christ’s invitation, and come to Him.
And so, he went over the side of the boat, and began to walk toward Christ on the top of the water, where feet did not naturally walk.
But in the chaos of the storm, with the winds and waves still rising up around him, Peter took his eyes off Christ.
And he began to sink.
And Peter called upon Christ to save him.
And Christ did.
We’ve all been there. Maybe not in a boat with Christ beckoning us to walk out on the storm-blown sea to Him.
But we’ve all been there, in the chaos of the ever-present storms of life.
Personal storms which unexpectedly blow through our lives causing anxiety, heartache, and despair.
And the never-ending storms in the world all around us, reported non-stop in news reports everywhere we look.
We’ve all been there, are now or will be, experiencing the chaos of life.
In the song “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” the writers shared these words—
“You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail,
And there I find You in the mystery, in oceans deep my faith will stand.
Your grace abounds in deepest waters, Your sovereign hand will be my guide,
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me,
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now.
So I will call upon Your Name, and keep my eyes above the waves,
When oceans rise, my soul will rest in Your embrace,
For I am Yours and You are mine.”
What are you going through? Or maybe whatever you will face in the future where uncertainty waits.
In the midst of whatever storms, winds, rain, heartaches, disappointments, crisis you and I will certainly face—places where we can’t seem to go alone—there is always one place to look.
Call upon His Name. Jesus.
In the chaos of life—call upon His Name.
In His Name–Scott
Watch, listen to and enjoy contemporary Christian singer, Taya, singing “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” live in Times Square, New York City.
He is so merciful and longsuffering with us…in the past, I’ve thought so many times, “Ok this will be it, I know He will be done with me now…” Still He reaches out and lovingly gives me a hand up out of the storm. He keeps trying with us and each time we make it a little further. I think the way the end of our life looks like, just when we think He will set us down upon the earth again, He says…”just c’mon home with me this time!”
Then there are times, He waits and lets us get our sea legs and then we walk, run with Him! It’s hard as parents to be Christlike and know when to reach out a hand and lift them up out of the storm and to know when to let them walk through it. Thanks for the encouragement yesterday!