Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13: 8 (ESV)

I don’t know how many of you remember what were often referred to as the “God Billboards” that were prevalent on the interstates and other roadways for a while a few years ago.

For example, those billboards contained many eye-catching slogans, such as—

Don’t make me come down there. – God

One nation under me. – God

Will the road you’re on get you to my place? – God

I miss how you used to talk to me when you were a child. – God

That “Love Thy Neighbor” thing…I meant it. – God

And then there was this one, which seems particularly pertinent for any day, but even more so these days, with so many distractions pulling us away from God—

Life is short. Eternity isn’t. – God

We can and need to deal with all the coronavirus issues, and the growing election irregularities, and the continuing violence in some of our cities.

But the issue we need to make sure we have settled as each of us move on through this year and deal with all we face, is the one raised by that last billboard message from God—

“Life is short. Eternity isn’t.”

That should be our initial and primary focus. It seems that should be something we would want to get right—right now.

The writer of Hebrews reminds us, that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” And He should be our focus—for today and for our assurance of where we spend eternity.

And in dealing with our relationship with Christ, the question for us becomes—where will we spend eternity. God’s Word makes it clear that Heaven is not our default position, because our sin separates us from a relationship with God. Isaiah 59: 2; Romans 3:23.

But the good news is that Christ came to stand in the gap for us, and help us move from that position, by providing Himself as the way past our sin and into the arms of God and into a place in Heaven for eternity. John 3:16-17.

However, my friends, it takes a volitional heart change act on our part of—recognizing our need for, and acceptance of Christ, and then our commitment to Him—to overcome our separation from God.

We don’t go to Heaven automatically. Romans 10: 9-10.

These are frustrating times. These are concerning times. Personally and for our country.

There are things we have before us that we need to focus on getting right in our lives and in our country.

But I wonder if the focus for ourselves and for others around us we know and come in contact with, should begin with this—where will each of us spend eternity?

Because as the billboard reminds us—

“Life is short. Eternity isn’t.”

In His Name–Scott

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