Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”
Isaiah 43: 18-19 (NLT)“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. And the one sitting on the throne said, “Look, I am making everything new!”
Revelation 21: 4-5a (NLT))
Have you ever had one of those days?
Truthfully. You have, right?
Empty. Lost. Maybe ready to quit.
Wondering what’s next. Unable to move forward into the wasteland which seems to be stretching out before you. Shaking your head as you try to figure out what’s the point of it all anyway.
And does anyone even care what you’re going through?
I have had one of those days. Or should I say, I have had one of those days, too.
Because if we’re being honest—we’ve all been there, or maybe are there now, or will be there in the future.
It’s probably why I can sense when others are struggling to find their way through private, and sometimes public, moments. Maybe you can too.
Because, I’ve been there, too.
We all have. Wandering in the wilderness, all alone. Or at least we feel like we’re all alone.
Where hopelessness seems to be winning the scale-tipping-contest with hope.
But—and you know where I’m heading—you and I are not alone.
Isaiah reminds us that God is actively at work doing something new, making a way for us through the wilderness.
And then the Apostle John, writing in the next-to-last chapter of the last book of the Bible, reminds us that God will be wiping away every tear, there will be no more sorrow or pain while He makes everything new.
So, again, ever had one of those days?
Feeling hopeless, lost and unable to move forward through the valley or over the mountain before you.
Shaking your head as you try to figure out what the point of it all is, anyway.
My friends, here’s the truth—we all have and we all probably will, again.
That’s when we need to remember that the One who loves us most, the One who knew us before we were born, and knew whether we were rocked and cared for as a child, the One who was with us in our greatest times and our saddest moments—is with us.
He is with us now and will be with us forever.
Actively at work in our lives making all things new.
Opening doors and showing us the way as we begin to realize that the point of it all every day is to serve, follow and walk with the God who created us and loves us.
The God who will be with us with every step and breath we take here—and with Him in eternity.
One of those days? We’ve all had them, and will.
God will be there.
In His Name–Scott
Thanks ❤️ Scott!
God’s got us both!
Thank you for such great hope Scott!
In reply, let me say, I cannot in my mind go back and count the DAYS where thoughts of hopelessness have burned inside my soul, as if one more lap jogging around the same old track (that keeps pulling me back) does not rear its Hopeless head up and gobble my weary heart up. BUT if not for the word of God as you say on “Those Hopeless wasteland days” where I find hope not just to cope while treading this similar tightrope BUT to rise above like eagles and soar one more time again, and again, and again. Thank you for the encouragement to rely on the hope that we have in Christ in our everyday lives. Beautiful pathway you have painted here with your inspirational words. 🙏
No matter the day and all that’s in the day, God is already there and He’s got us in it and through it!!