Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28: 19-20 (NLT)“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1: 9 (NLT)
The sun came up again today.
Something we need to remember. That even in the events and uncertainties of these days, it always does.
In the passage above, as Jesus is about to ascend into Heaven back to His Father, He first reminds the disciples one last time, of two things.
First, to remember what He expects them to do—to go and make disciples everywhere.
Then, to remember from where their help will come—that He will always be with them.
Truths for us always to remember, to help with the perspective to press on through our days.
That no matter what happens, whatever we will face or go through, God expects us to press on with His message to the world, knowing that He is always with us.
Truths to remember as our nation and world continue to spin out of control, seemingly rudderless and absent any Godly or moral direction to guide them in the days ahead.
Yet we press on, knowing God is with us.
The sun came up again today.
And I suppose it came up that morning over three-thousand years ago—as Joshua stood there on the banks of the Jordan River.
Moses, the great servant of the Lord, had just passed from the scene, and Joshua was selected by God to succeed Moses to lead the Israelites from this point forward into the Promised Land.
And God told him, as we see in the passage above, to be strong and courageous, that He would always be with him wherever he was.
But, I’ll bet if you read between the lines, you would see Joshua’s knees knocking, feel his pulse racing, and watch as the pools of sweat covered the ground beneath his perspiring palms—all from the doubt, worry and anxiety he was probably feeling as he realized the position to which God was calling him.
Yet, he pressed on.
God was with him.
And Joshua then led two million Israelites across the mile-wide, flood ravaged and swollen Jordan River into the Promised Land.
God calls us to press on, no matter what we are facing or going through.
And God promises that we won’t go alone—He will be with us.
How is your world where you are right now? Knees knocking, pulse racing, palms sweating, a bit. Concerns about family and friends. Relationships in a mess. Maybe an unexpected illness has shown its ugly head. Finances are tight. Your career is off track and you’re uncertain of which door will open next, if any.
No matter what is going on, or no matter what you face, remember—God’s continuing expectations of you, and of me—to go and make disciples everywhere.
And, also, to remember that you are not alone—God is always with you!
So, press on.
In His Name–Scott