Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”
Isaiah 9:6 (KJV)

“You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven…
Matthew 5: 14, 16 (ESV)

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13: 35 (ESV)

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Matthew 5: 9 (ESV)

“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?”
Matthew 16: 26 (NLT)

We have just spent a moment celebrating again the most selfless act of love ever—God’s gift of His son for our eternal salvation. 

We just waved goodbye to one of the greatest servants of Jesus Christ, our nation, and world, with the passing of President Jimmy Carter into Heaven.

And now, as hard as it is to believe, here we are about to open the pages of a brand-new year of possibility, hope, and peace for our lives.

Along with a brand-new year of responsibilities set before us by Jesus Christ in His words recorded in passages from Matthew’s and John’s Gospels, above.

And a brand-new year of opportunities. Opportunities for you and me to lift lives around us, to all that God created them to be. 

Lives of possibility. Lives of hope. Lives where peace dwells.

How? By following the usual “party-line” rules of the world around us, staying quiet, not speaking out against wrong, and injustice? While people continue to suffer, without peace, or any hope of reaching their God-given possibility? 

Or perhaps there is another way. A better way. There is.   

In the passage above, Isaiah referred to Jesus Christ as Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace. 

In his book by the same name, John Eldridge referred to Jesus Christ as “Beautiful Outlaw.” 

And one of my favorite names given Jesus Christ was by Jackson Browne in his song of a few years ago, where he referred to Him as the “Rebel Jesus.”

Would it be too bold to suggest that Jesus Christ may be the One we need to follow?

Toward hope, possibility, and peace in our life and in the world around us. 

He certainly was unorthodox in his approach. The Rebel Jesus, that is. 

Who would have been found eating with hated tax collectors, thieves, and other such sinners? Who would have defended prostitutes against stoning at their own risk? 

What self-respecting Jewish man would have met with and spoken to a loose-living Samaritan woman, in broad daylight, just to set her on a path to hope? 

Who would make crooked limbs straight and the blind to see, and called others to help, even at great personal sacrifice? 

Who would have touched a leper, healed on the Sabbath, or brought dead people like Lazarus back to life?

Who would have loved people so much that He would climb on the Cross to die, to give us a pathway to eternal life, if only we believe and would take it?

I think we have to face the fact that the Prince of Peace—Jesus Christ—was a rebel. He was not an orthodox leader. His manner was not “kingly,” or “presidential,” whatever those are supposed to look like. But He was a caring, committed, courageous, consistent, and a loving servant to all those in need.

He did not take advantage of others to gain an advantage. Instead, He usually did the opposite. He sacrificially gave of Himself to add value to their lives.

And our beloved President Carter followed that path also, as Jesus’ child, servant, rebel—speaking out against standard protocols, after he had served as President, to challenge administrations in their decisions if those decisions hurt others, caused suffering, and were contrary to what he believed the Rebel Jesus would do and require of him and us to do. 

My gut is that if we want to make the next season of our lives one where all is well, where possibility and hope are within reach, and where peace prevails—personally and in our nation and world—we should think about an all-out surrender and commitment to the Rebel Jesus, and then follow where He leads and points us.

That is all I’ve got today, my friends. 

But think about it for a moment—then let it begin with you, and me.

Rebels of Peace. Hope. Possibility.

In His Name–Scott

Sit back and enjoy this wonderful presentation of “Let There Be Peace On Earth,” with Vince Gill, Michael McDonald, Amy Grant, and Chet Atkins. 

You will be blessed. 


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