Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken”
Psalm 16:8 (NIV)

You may have heard me say it. Maybe you’ve even said something similar yourself.

But I have often said that—“Every day that my bride, Lynda, lets me back in the house is a good day for me!”

Many have heard that confession spill from my lips.

Usually when I have done something which should cause the door to be locked. But God reminds me again, in that moment, of the blessing of my bride He sent my way in high school, a lifetime ago.

Each Father’s Day, for example, I am reminded and thankful for her steady example early in our son’s life, showing me better than I got, how to be the father to Nathan God would smile approvingly upon.

Thank God.

In the middle of a world spinning out of control, wondering “what’s next” and “which way” and faced with uncertainty as my feet hit the floor each morning—she helps to center me on the important, and not what the world says is important and expects of me.

The truly important doesn’t involve stuff or things, successes or failures, accolades or criticisms from a world that doesn’t know the way. A world spinning helplessly around axis after axis, aligned with the temporal things of no lasting value.

Instead, her centering words and ways always call me back to her, and to family, and friends and other things with lasting eternal value.

To those in need of a lift up in life, a word of encouragement, maybe just a ray of light pointing to hope for the next moment or day in their lives.

But first and most importantly she points me back to the One her eyes are always upon, and who is always at her side. And at my side.

The One who points her to the people and things which are important. The One who calms and steadies her when she is shaken.

The One who is always there and knows the way when everything else around her, and around us, points everywhere else.

She draws a picture with the example of her life of the One to follow.

A picture with her manner and tone, her words, her forgiveness and grace—of the One she serves.

Jesus Christ. The One she follows. The One at the center of her life.

And the One at the center of my life today, because of her early and continuing example, influence and encouragement.

Find yourself at times these days confused, anxious, uncertain, and shaken when looking at the world around you?

I understand. But more importantly—He understands.

Let me suggest we stay centered remembering these words—

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken”

Shaken? Stay with Him—make Him the Center of your life.

God’s got you and me, now and for all eternity.

In His Name–Scott

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