Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” I Peter 5: 6-7

So how are you this morning, or whenever you picked this up to read?

How is your day going so far? How did it start out?

It seems that the start to a lot of things in life is important. Just ask a 100 meter dash sprinter.

And so through the years I have come to appreciate that the start to our day is pretty important.

Doctors and nutritionists have been telling us for years, trying their best to help us develop better health patterns, that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So how many of you ate breakfast today?

How about what you put in your minds to start today out this morning. Did you read the morning newspaper, or watch the local news? Did you pick up and continue reading a novel or some other book you are working on? What did you put in your minds and hearts this morning as you began the day?

When I graduated from the University of Florida Law School many years ago, I had the privilege of clerking for a Federal Judge—William Terrell Hodges—in the Middle District of Florida in Tampa, Florida for two years. During that period I also had the honor to clerk for another Federal Judge by the name of William Stafford, from Tallahassee’s Northern District, for a period of a few months when he came to help out Judge Hodges with his caseload while Judge Hodges was on medical leave.

When I completed my two year stint in Tampa, I returned to Gainesville, and after working with two really good law firms in town, I opened my own law practice.

Things were, of course, anxious for a time as the practice built up. A lot of clients and their legal demands, a lot of hours, making a go with a one lawyer office for a while—there were just a lot things to handle.

My bride—gifted administratively, bright and personable—helped me get started—and then brought some others on for some additional and incredible assistance with the office.

Before I left the house each morning I tried to make sure I read my Bible, and a maybe a devotion from any one of a number of books, and then take some time alone with God to pray and just be quiet with Him.

There were some mornings though when, for whatever reason—got up late, pressing appointments or extra work-load, something unexpected going on in the house—I didn’t spend that quiet reading and prayer time at home before I headed in to the office.

I remember, though, very distinctly one morning among many at the office shortly after Lynda and I had first opened the law office. I must have been responding poorly to phone calls at the office, and reacting rather abruptly when Lynda asked me a question or reminded me of something I needed to know.

It was about eleven o’clock, when Lynda walked into my office—quietly closed the door behind her, now having my full attention and said—

I just want you to know, that I can always tell when you have had your quiet time with the Lord in the morning, and when you haven’t. You’re different. You behave, talk to others and respond differently to things that happen. And the difference doesn’t become you, or honor God.”

I changed. I made sure I had time alone in the morning to read the Bible, maybe a devotion or two, and then talk to Him quietly for a while.

How do you start your day?

Eating breakfast, I hope. Breakfast is good.

But what else?

Let me suggest something even more important than breakfast—take some time to focus on the One who cares for you. Read His Word and maybe some other wise words of encouragement.

Then spend time in prayer and conversation with Him.

Cast all your worries on Him. He will set your feet on the right path—as you start out and go through your day.

Trust me, I know!

In His Name—Scott


Copyright 2015. Scott L. Whitaker. All rights reserved.

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