Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“I know the mountains get so high sometimes, I know the valley seems so wide
It seems this journey, it will never end. And you keep asking the question God why?”
“Stay with God” — Judith Gayle

“You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.”
Psalm 119: 13 (The Message)

It never seems to end, does it?

The partisan fighting across the political aisles in the name of something—while the American people, principles, and values lay in the gutter along the roadways of our towns and cities.

And we wonder why? And then, we wonder what we can, or should do?

And the only, and best answer for you and for me—

“Stay with God. In spite of what you see or feel.
Stay with God. In spite of how things may appear. Stay with God.”

The coronavirus spikes in states and towns across our nation, and close friends are lost, while others fight for their lives.

And we wonder what to do, fearing that we, or a loved one will be infected next.

“Stay with God. It doesn’t matter what may come our way.
There is only one place we are safe. Stay with God.”

Families in our towns go hungry, as businesses close, and many are lost forever from lockdowns. Children bounce off walls isolated from each other, while schools remain closed.

And we look for the answers, and wonder where we should focus to find them. While none come from those who claim to know.

But there is one answer. There is one solution.

An answer which is always there for us.

And it is our best solution, always and forever—Stay with God.

Even though—

“I know the way you feel says give up now. 
I know you feel you can’t hold on. 
You’re not the only one who is carrying your load.
Remember He said to cast all your cares on Him.”

So, my friends, in the midst of whatever you and I face. When the road ahead seems, and may in fact be, impassable.

When heartache after heartache grips us and those we love, and the tears won’t stop flowing.

When it seems like the tide just keeps rising over our lives.

There is one solution that will always carry us through, and past whatever mountains or valleys loom before us—

“Stay with God. In spite of what you see or feel.
Stay with God. In spite of how things may appear. 
It doesn’t matter what may come our way.
There is only one place we are safe…” 

Stay with God.

In His Name–Scott

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