Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when you will be scattered, each one going his own way, leaving me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with me. I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16: 32-33 (NLT)

“Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
Philippians 2: 9-11 (NLT)   

“I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, ‘Look, God’s home is now among his people! He will live with them, and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.’  And the one sitting on the throne said, ‘Look, I am making everything new!’…”
Revelation 21: 3-5a (NLT)

The times seem unlike anything we can remember.

But it’s all good. It may be tough at times. 

But it’s all good. 

Because it will all be good.

There will be a day. 

In the passage from the Gospel of John, Jesus is nearing arrest and will soon be headed to the cross. He pauses to assure the disciples that even though it is difficult now, one day all will be well. 

That despite all that will happen to Him, and all that will happen to them in the days to come in this, their temporary home on earth—Jesus will overcome it all.

And having believed in Him, like the heroes of the faith having gone before them and us, they, too will be with Him.  

As we will, having believed what He did on the cross, then rising from the tomb, and accepting Him as Lord of our lives.

There will be a day, for entry into Heaven for eternity with Christ.

In the “Hymn of Heaven” Phil Wickham, Brian and Bill Johnson, and Chris Davenport share a glimpse of their hope of Heaven…

“How I long to breathe the air of Heaven,
Where pain is gone and mercy fills the streets.
To look upon the One who bled to save me,
And walk with Him for all eternity.
There will be a day when all will bow before Him.
There will be a day when death will be no more.
Standing face to face with He who died and rose again.
Holy, holy is the Lord…
And on that day, we join the resurrection,
And stand beside the heroes of the faith.
With one voice, a thousand generations,
Sing, ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.’
‘Forever He shall reign…’”

In the times to come while we are here in this temporary home, moments of difficulty, disappointment, despair and even defeat will no doubt be part of some of the days ahead. 

Yet even through those, we will never go alone. He is always with us.   

And while we remain here, there is still much for us to do. 

With God, through the Holy Spirit, always with us, as we share Him with others, and together with Him lift lives around us to be all He created them to be, knowing that one day we will all be with Him for eternity.

The times seem unlike anything we can remember.

But it will all be good.

There will be a day.   

In His Name–Scott

Be blessed by the beauty and power of this hymn of praise and promise “Hymn of Heaven” performed by the First Baptist Dallas Church Choir and Orchestra. 

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