Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

Shout to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with joy; come before him with singing.
Know that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him; we are his people, the sheep he tends.
Come into his city with songs of thanksgiving and into his courtyards with songs of praise.
Thank him and praise his name.
The Lord is good. His love is forever, and his loyalty goes on and on.
Psalm 100: 1-5 (NCV)

We have those days when we feel like we’re alone. Right?

Whatever we’re facing or going though, we’re facing and going through it alone. And we don’t know what to do, or where to turn. 

We’ve all been there. I was the other day. Shouting to the Lord and serving Him with joy, as the psalmist suggests, is one of the last things which comes to mind.

Then God.   

The gentleman waiting behind me seemed to be having one of those moments, too, although he did his best to hide it. Feeling all alone. I met him the other day at the tire store as I was getting a couple of new tires for my car.

His left arm was in a sling. 

I overheard that he was there needing help for a flat from a broken valve stem. He looked just a bit unkempt, like he’d had a few rough days. I asked about the sling, and he said he was waiting for scheduling for shoulder replacement surgery.

So, we waited for our cars at the tire shop together. And I got to know him. And him, me a bit, too. 

From South Florida originally, but the past stretch of years he has been living in North Central Florida. 

In the conversation, I happened to mention my bride of fifty-six years, and he gently began to weep. He shared that he had lost his bride in January after she came to the end of a multi-year fight with MS. 

And then, he lost his job and home. 

Fixing the flat tire was essential to keep his car operational. It also was serving as his home.

With the gracious help of the tire shop personnel, we quietly took care of his bill and something more. You would have done it, too.  

He agreed to join me for lunch, but only wanted a glass of water. With some persistent persuasion, he agreed to help me split a sandwich and some side dishes of fresh fruit and onion rings.

We all have those days when we feel we’re all alone.

Where no one seems to notice, and no one seems to care. Facing and going through whatever, all alone. Right?

But then God sends us someone with one arm in a sling.   

To give you or me a lift up in life. Someone who lifts us up simply with their presence, and sharing, trusting way. 

Someone willing to split a sandwich with you, which you probably couldn’t have eaten all of by yourself. 

And maybe in the moment, God might even use you to lift the life who is there before you. 

The one God sent who is blessing you. Encouraging you, too. Reminding you that you are never alone.  

Funny how God works. 

A man with his arm in a sling. 

Only God. Always at work in our lives. Always. 

Almost makes you want to shout to the Lord with thanksgiving and joy. 

In His Name–Scott

Why not! Do it and enjoy this video and song with Darlene Zschech & Michael W. Smith singing “Shout to the Lord.” Powerful.