Just some early morning thoughts from me to you…

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.
II Corinthians 4: 8-9 (NIV)

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Romans 8:28 (NIV)

I remember the moment as if it were yesterday.

I had just finished dealing with a field-full of hay bales at a dear friend’s farm twenty miles north. I was getting out of the car to open the last pasture gate to leave and head home.

The sun was setting brilliant orange streaking through the clouds, as God’s voice sounded through the colors—

“Scott, I will never waste anything you have gone through.”

I had gone through times of healing from years of a difficult childhood. I had moved on and forgiven through the love and power of Christ.

But never had I understood and embraced, until that Divine intervention—that even those difficult times of so many years ago, during which God wept with me as I wept, would not be wasted.

God will use, and has used whether we realize it or not, all of what we go through for our good, for the good of others and for His glory.

His way.

I wonder if that is something we can remember and embrace in these times?

These times of coronavirus.

Times of injustice in our nation, happening again.

Times where we protest—well and not so well.

Times where we reflect that even though we have made good steps forward as a nation, we have a long way to go.

And then we have our own times of personal disappointment, reflection, uncertainty, and despair.

Times where we are reminded that under our power, wisdom and ability—despite the very best intentions of our hearts—we can never get to our best without His Divine leadership and guidance.

Yesterday was what the church recognizes as Pentecost—the day, fifty days after Christ rose from the tomb, when the church received the gift of the Holy Spirit who Christ promised He would send to help us.

I suppose a good question for us in these times is whether we will allow the Holy Spirit to help us, to guide us, to use all we are, and all that we’ve been through individually and together, for our good and the good of others?

Will we allow the Holy Spirit into every aspect of our lives, and all that is before us personally and as a nation to do things as Christ would want us to?

We know that we will eventually get through all of this, but what will that next season of our lives and country look like?

Will the next season of our lives, and the lives of others, and our nation, be better? Will our journey—of thoughts, words and actions—along the way be Christ-like?

Or will it look like something we patched together ourselves, aligned with the world’s pressures, values and input?

The choices are clear as to the way forward into the next seasons of our lives, and even the seasons after that—the world’s way, or God’s way.

Which way will it be for you and for us all?

It will make a difference, here and all the way into eternity.

In His Name–Scott

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